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Vivere la campagna

The Feast days

Medio Campidano - The Feast days
n. 26/2009 -


The local festivals are a time for enjoyment, rest and merriness, and are traditionally linked to local religious celebrations and customs. The great local festivities (lasting from 2 to 3days) follow the farming calendar and are clustered between late spring and early autumn. They all begin some months in advance with the setting up of an organising committee tasked with collecting funds (sa circa) and planning the various phases of the event such as dances, impromptu poetry competitions, fireworks and horse races, allotting the areas reserved for the ever-present stalls selling handicraft products and food, including the barracche, areas for country banquets, with long tables sheltered by cane roofing, set by glowing braziers for grilling fish - mullet and eels - and roasting suckling pigs and lamb. The religious element of these feasts is expressed in the solemn masses and well attended processions of the faithful who follow the statue of the Saint through the town or village streets as far as the country church. These processions are enlivened by the presence of the ox carts or traccas, which are richly decorated, by processions of men and women in traditional costumes and by the players of the launeddas (an ancient polyphonic wind instrument), sulittu (the flageolet) and less frequently by su sonettu (the accordion), an essential element of folk dances. The best-attended patron saint festivals in the Province are those of Santa Vida (Santa Vitalia) at Serrenti and Santa Maria Acquas at Sardara. Amongst country festivals we should remember: Santa Maria Angiargia at Collinas, Beata Vergine d'ltria at Villamar, Sant'lsidoro at Serramanna,San Sisinnio at Villacidro and Sant'Antonio di Santadi at Arbus. To these feasts with religious origins we must add many other cultural and sports events seen as expressions of local identity, as well as the shows and food and wine events mainly held in the summer. During the year, the Province and the Municipalities organise events dedicated to typical local products. Many of these events have become quite well-known, such as Arresojas at Montevecchio, the Harvest Festival at Turri, the Saffron Festival at San Gavino Monreale, Turri and Villanovafranca, the Village Feast at Sanluri, the Fantasy of Lights at Pabillonis, Carnival at San Gavino Monreale and the Donkey Race at Genuri.