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Vivere la campagna

Forest of ‘Croccorigas’ (Guspini)

Bird's-eye view over the forest of Croccorigas and Mount Arcuentu

The state forest of Croccorigas, extending in the area between Montevecchio and Ingurtosu, is marked by the presence of thick ilex groves and cork oaks, making an ideal habitat for many deer colonies, whose exemplars may be easily met during walks and excursions.
Woodlands are crossed by a number of paths, leading from Montevecchio to the dunes of Piscinas, in a continuous, yet balanced change of settings and environments. Here the borders between the mountains, the dunes and the sea are almost imperceptible. Run across by several watercourses, the area is scattered with evidence of mining activities that have been shaping the destiny of these places for a long time.