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Vivere la campagna

Guspini churches

The parish church of San Niccolò of Mira

The most important monuments are kept inside the old centre of the village. The parish church of San Nicolò di Mira was raised throughout the 17th century. The early plan, with Latin cross layout and single nave, was changed in the subsequent centuries. The façade in Gothic-Aragonese style is preceded by a large stairway and is adorned by a stone rose window. Inside are frescoes of 1800-1900 and most valuable sacred items, such as a wooden simulacrum of the 15th century, portraying the Virgin of Urradili, a deposition of Christ, a 17th-century wooden retable and several statues. The oldest monument of the inhabited centre is the church of Santa Maria di Malta, whose original plan in Romanesque-Pisan style is supposed to date back to the 11th-12th century. Throughout the centuries, the building was enlarged; thus the 16th-century Gothic-Aragonese style superseded the 15th-century features. Today, the church presents three naves, ten arches and a hemi-circular apse. A fine marble altar is decorated by a central cameo representing the assumption of the Holy Virgin. In the countryside surrounding the village is the small rural church of San Giorgio. The only certain date in the history of this building is 1872, although the site was frequented since most ancient times. The edifice is animated in the period of celebrations dedicated to the Saint, whose statue is kept in the parish church of San Nicolò for the rest of the year.