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Vivere la campagna

The Mountain Area

Medio Campidano - The Mountain Area
n. 26/2009 -


To the rear of the coast we find the Linas and Monte Arcuentu massif, with the highest peak in southern Sardinia: Punta Perda Sa Mesa (1236m asI). This massif, one of the most ancient in Sardinia (its formation dates back to more than 400 million years ago) offers a variety of landscapes and habitats. The landscape is harsh and stony with ridges, cork tree woods and deep gullies in the granite area of the Oridda: in the centre, the highest portion, the crests are more sortly rounded with wide valleys in a schist-sandstone environment. To the north rises the Arcuentu mountain, of volcanic origin, which overlooks the basalt headland of Capo Frasca and the wetlands of Sant'Antonio di Santadi and Marceddì, with an all-embracing view over the whole of the Campidano. The variety of coastal environments is matched
by an equally diversified immediate hinterland. The landscape offers an assortment of valleys and gullies with many waterfalls (Piscina Irgas, Muru Mannu, Sa Spendula), woods of ilex, yew, mock privet, red elder and cork and wide stretches of Mediterranean brush (rockrose, lentisk, spurge, wild olive and honeysuckle); at higher levels we find garigue with phillyrea and rosemary This is a true paradise for birdwatchers who can follow the ancient paths traced by the charcoal-makers and miners to observe bird species ranging from the peregrine falcon to the goshawk, and mammals such as the wild cat and dormouse, not forgetting a host of local plants including Helichrysum Montelisanum, the symbol of this area of Sardinia. But the true emblem of this territory is without doubt the Sardinian deer which has survived over the centuries and today is present in some 1500 exemplars to be sighted and admired in almost any area of the dunes of Piscinas or the old abandoned mining areas which represent a'unique example of industriaI archaeology.