Logo of the Province of Middle Campidano


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Prodotti agroalimentari


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Elenco delle aziende


Prodotti agroalimentari dalla terra

Coltivazione dei carciofi

Le caratteristiche climatiche e geografiche favoriscono i prodotti dell’orto e dei campi: tra i più noti il carciofo nella prelibata qualità dello “spinoso sardo” ottimo crudo o cucinato in accompagnamento a pietanze di carne, e i pomodori locali apprezzati per la dolcezza del sapore e il gusto fresco e gradevole. Anche la frutta raggiunge nel territorio della provincia ottimi livelli di qualità e sapore: note sono le pesche, le ciliegie, le arance, le pere e i meloni in asciutto, che conservandosi a lungo possono essere gustati anche in inverno. Importante anche la produzione di olive e di olio extravergine, un elemento fondamentale nella dieta mediterranea e nella cucina sarda, a cui è stato recentemente dato il marchio Dop ( denominazione di origine protetta) per l’alta qualità raggiunta.


  • Artichoke Artichoke
    A characteristic crop of Sardinia, the artichoke is particularly widespread in Middle Campidano, a producing area par excellence. Here, the variety of the ‘Thorny of Bosa’ was introduced...
  • riso Asparagus
  • Asparagus Asparagus
  • Clementine Fruit
    By tradition, the fertile countryside of Middle Campidano is a fruit-producing land: citrus fruits, cherries, peaches and pears are grown in the gentle sunny plains benefiting from the abundance of water...
  • Lathyrus sativus Legumes and cereals
    Once considered as poor people’s meat, legumes were commonly present at the table of less wealthy families, for whom meat was a luxury food that could not be afforded...
  • A slice of melon Melon
    The Province of Middle Campidano is characterized by a rich production of melons, available in different qualities and farmed according to various methods. During the last few years, in particular, winter melon (or dryland-farmed melon) cultivation has been increasing. At first, this special technique originated due to the climatic conditions of the Island; now it is being enhanced as it can yield a tasty, quality produce.
  • pomodori Saffron
    The cultivation of saffron, or Crocus sativus linnaeus, dates back to ancient times in Sardinia: according to a few reconstructions, the Phoenicians had imported it from the Middle East and, later, perhaps the Romans developed its production...
  • Saffron
    The cultivation of saffron, or Crocus sativus linnaeus, dates back to ancient times in Sardinia: according to a few reconstructions, the Phoenicians had imported it from the Middle East and, later, perhaps the Romans developed its production...
  • Bunch of small tomatoes Tomatoes
    Tomato farming was imported in Europe by the Spaniards as an ornamental plant, for its lively scarlet red fruits and bright green leaves. Only later did it begin to be used for its delicious taste...

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